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 airpass faq
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So then I tried TAM, who seemed to be contacting "Verified by VISA" at least, but then did not prompt me for my password but instead came back with the message "The transaction has not been authorized. So apparently the only way I can pay for my reservation is to go to a Gol store. But I even called my card provider and they confirmed that the Gol site hadn't even contacted them to try to authorize the charge, which I knew anyway since the error message was instantaneous and not after several seconds (like when a card is rejected or a charge declined). I have already talked to Gol's customer service 3 times through the chat facility, and they keep insisting that the site works and there must be some problem with my card. Gol and TAM both claim to accept foreign credit cards on their websites through the "Verified by VISA" program, but neither of them works. I'm an ex-pat living in Brazil, but I only have a foreign credit card and I'm encountering the same problem. NPF's post linked above gives a good explanation of what the CPF is and from his explanation and my experience it would seem the likelihood of having any problem trying to travel on a ticket purchased under the circumstances outlined above is remote In the cases of the dozen or so tickets I have purchased using a computer generated pseudo-CPF I have never had any questioning at check-in to provide any evidence of my CPF - they want a government-issued photo ID, not the Receita Federal CPF number. airpass faq registration#

I don't believe that the airline link the purchase/ticket directly to the CPF provided in the website registration although they without doubt link the purchase to your registration profile. airpass faq

To actually make a purchase once you are registered on their website does not require you to input your CPF (real or fake). Regardless of that, almost all the Brasilian airline websites that I have purchased from require you to provide a CPF to register to use their website. You could be conceivably thrown in jail for providing false information to a website for registration purposes if such a law exists in Brasil but not for any commercial crime for purchasing an airfare online. You may be breaking some as yet unquoted regulation by using a pseudo-CPF to register on the airline website, you are breaking no law/regulation that I know of by purchasing tickets on the website. I don't see any difference in buying an airline ticket online if the Brasilian Government does not have legislation restricting the sale of these fares or general website commerce to CPF holders and the fare rules do not make any such restriction. If the check-out operator at Pao de Acucar wouldn't sell me my groceries without me providing a CPF I would make one up on the spot without hesitation. As yet the actual law that is being broken by the customer hasn't been identified by anyone posting here,although I can well imagine that there is some regulation covering it - but the detail of the law would be what determines whether it is being technically broken or not in this set of circumstances. airpass faq

Whether it is illegal to fabricate a number that is being illegally requested is a matter open to debate. I wouldn't risk it.Īirlines are not entitled under the law to require a customer to provide a CPF. Technically it's illegal to fake or use someone else's CPF number, and you might get asked to show it (though I've never heard of incidents).

 airpass faq